Junior Byles has not always been my favorite vocalist to be honest. Perhaps best known for his Lee Perry produced tracks, I don’t think he consistently released enough quality material to be up there with the best. His work with Dudley Swaby AKA Manzie was, in my humble opinion, his best.

Dudley Swaby and his labels, ‘JA Man’, ‘Manzie’ and ‘Top Studio’, were some of the best examples of no nonsense roots, all with great dubs. Think Black and White label and Phase One. Nice tight sound and good quality production.

This track is a nice, mid-paced little number. Plenty of cymbals in an almost Bunny Lee style, with Junior Byles doing some lovely harmony work. He recorded a few sides for Manzie, and Blood and Fire put out a decent collection of these. This tune was also released on a UK ‘Sir Jessus’ 7” if my memory serves me correctly. It is well worth investing in if you see it about.

Plattsie OneVoice
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